Past Projects + Amigurumi’s

I thought i should put a somewhat long winded post on this blog to show my past projects. I used to be really involved in creating Amigurumi’s but just haven’t had the time/motivation to keep up the crazy amount of crafting i once did.

As i taught myself how to crochet from youtube videos etc, all of these projects were learning curves-and a ton of fun!


This  is one of the first Amigurumi’s i ever made! This is a sackboy from the video game “Little big planet” He has a frog suit costume on (Mario Bros inspired). For those who aren’t familiar with LBP and sackboy, he changes outfits regularly as each level in the game changes it’s theme. So much fun! I made quite a few types, but this one was always the most fun (and time consuming) to make.


After making plushies by means of Amigurumi, i started to look into making plushies with material + a sewing machine. I already knew how to sew from School (Yay for growing up in a country town!). I created a pattern out of paper, cut out large pieces of fleece material, pinned it together, sewed it together, stuffed the plush and then did a hidden stitch by hand to sew up the gap. Super simple plush and as you can see i made..a few XD


This is what happens when im bored at work and start drawing random things.. a bunny toast plush creation happens XD So i drew this guy up on a larger scale, cut out the pieces, and sewed him up. This was a lot of hand sewing as he had many pieces in order to give him more depth. And yes, thats a stick of butter on his face XD… his face details were made with embroidery thread.

DIGITAL CAMERA  DIGITAL CAMERA DIGITAL CAMERAAnd because there’s just not enough things i want to do in my life..i started jewellery making. I made a few cute pieces out of plastic, stone and mineral shards. This one was a wire wrapped bracelet so it was a one size fits all.  I actually had a ton of beading/jewellery materials laying around from my sister having a collection when she was younger. And as always, i seem to end up with everyones forgotten/unwanted art materials! hehe. (lucky me?)


A nd here’s a red Amigurumi whale..I went through a phase of making these obsessively. This one was made for a friend. I actually made quite a few of these throughout the Winter of 2011. I really didnt do much outside during that time- waaay too cold. So i stayed inside out of the rain and cold and made these guys!


This was a trial and error scenario. Making a cupcake pin cushion. This was very easy to make, and relatively quick. He turned out slightly lop-sided, not quite the pin cusions i remember my nana having! (Her’s were never lop-sided D: )


Ahhh Halloween! Something i don’t get here in Australia. However, while i was making Xmas trees I noticed they basically are the same shape and so i created these little guys. (Yes i add eyes to everything >.> ) Swapping colour throughout the crochet pattern is extremely easy and makes for a great effect!


^ Xmas Trees! Same pattern, just without the yarn colour changes!


This is the mayhem of midnight Amigurumi sessions XD Cue the poor lighting! My mess was a complete mess, but in a fun kind of way! Always more than one project going at once!


I went through a phase of making bunnies. Zombie, Chocolate and Blue bunny. These guys are time consuming -_- I don’t even think i have the pattern anymore, but its all basic rounds-nothing technical here!

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